Public Bug Bounty

Private Bug Bounty

Onsite Bug Bounty

Bug Bounty

A new generation of IT security that increases the cyber resilience of your business through the power of the community. Choose from a range of programs to get the service that best suits you: private, on-site, or public bug bounty. Harness the power of an ethical hacker community and take the fight to cyber attackers. Stand out from the competition, and be hacker-proof.

Want to know more about bug bounty and how it works?

Check out our range of services, if you're stuck, contact us and we'll help you find the service that's right for you.

Public Bug Bounty

Benefits of the Publikus Bug Bounty

  • Increases security and customer confidence.

  • Accessible to all security researchers.

  • It is cost-effective and can be launched with a pre-defined budget.

Open to the largest community

All ethical hackers registered on our platform can see the details of the program, sign up and search for vulnerabilities by following the pre-defined rules.

The company name and a short description of the program are visible in the Public Programs list, which can be viewed by visitors to the site, thus promoting transparency.

By the law of large numbers, it is the program that generates the most bug reports, which are pre-validated.

Then choose

  • Your company’s service(s) are already live systems/applications on the web.

  • Internal testing may no longer reveal new bugs.

  • Transparency is important to you.

A number of security researcher who meets the criteria set by you will participate in the programme.

Participation is invitation-based, so only those who accept the invitation will see the details of the program.

You can promise a higher bounty for vulnerabilities found.

Then choose

  • If you want to limit the number of participants or just try the service for the first time.

  • You want to start a premium program that promises a higher bounty for found vulnerabilities.

  • You do not want to make the program public.

Private Bug Bounty

Benefits of Private Bug Bounty

  • You select the participants for your company, so you can work with the best ethical hackers.

  • Create a prestige opportunity for ethical hackers.

  • All details of the program can be specified.

Onsite Bug Bounty

Benefits of on-site Bug Bounty

  • Short, fixed-term service.

  • You can work with the best professionals of your choice in your lab environment.

  • You can have your products not yet on the market tested to correct vulnerabilities before going live.

Work with ethical hackers of your choice in your company lab environment.

Our most discrete type of program – you can choose it for testing pre-prod services.

We detect vulnerabilities on the spot so you can start fixing them immediately.

Then choose

  • You want the utmost discretion, e.g. you want to test your pre-production services.

  • Short-term program with high reward levels.

  • You want to have control over the testing.

Our bug bounty services can be built on top of each other and offer a wide range of options for setting up specific conditions and policies. It can be applied to all online activities and even serves as evidence in audits.

If you are interested or just have further questions, please contact us.